Trella's PicksThe following Posts are authored by varoius people (including myself) with the common thread being that they all had something powerful, supportive, inspiring and healing to say. Archives
May 2020
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Why Energetic Intelligence is Mission Critic Skill in the COVID Economy: today’s theme Getting an Unfair Advantage
We’re all familiar with the idea that we only access 10% of our brain’s full potential. Now whether that concept is correct or not is not clear. But the idea that we have harnessed only a fraction of our mind’s full potential has been a staple for motivational gurus, New Age speakers, and screenwriters for nearly 100 years. I don’t pretend to promise you the secret to becoming a gifted genius over-night. But the great news is there is truth to this concept on multiple levels. Also, many of us are aware that there are many different kinds of intelligence. For example, emotional or spatial. I am promising, and this is a juicy potent promise, is that you can learn to access and increase your energetic intelligence to help you unlock not only that potential, but also unlock other types of intelligence. This is the master key. So I invite you to stick around to the end, because you are going to get to learn some great stuff. I’m Trella and I’m energy master I have worked with 1000s over the planet and I literally turned myself into a science experiment to unearth these truths through doing the hard work. You get to access that because I have already cleared the path of the nails and stones for you. As Tony Robbins says, access the expert and turn decades of work into days of progress. This is what high performing individuals are accessing whether they realize it or not. I would notice with my clients they would fall into two groups the "light switch" or the "flower unfolder". The main difference between them was who could more easily receive and who was more controlled or limited receiving. So there are literally 100s of powerful lessons, skills, and techniques that I have build up through this process. So today I will touch on one of those being Having an Unfair Advantage or not being afraid to Uncover, Own and Gainfully Expose your superpower. We all wish we could have that ace in the hole, that sure thing that would set us apart from our fellow team members or potential clients. The truth is that most of us do have one; we just fail to acknowledge it or use it to its fullest potential. I call this lack of ownership. You can’t use your unfair advantage until you can name it. Do you ever receive a compliment that you just shrug off because whatever is mentioned is just "easy" for you or something you regard as mere common sense? Do you find that there is a particular theme or topic that people consistently come to you with, or seek your consult about? Is there a type of project or task that ignites your passion, motivates you and is something you could go on and on about? What exactly comes to mind? You’re rarely encouraged to toot your own horn or pat yourself on the back. Sharing what you excel at can sound like bragging or selfishness or narcissism. But, rest assured: These questions are not intended to set you up for some grand announcement about why you’re superior to others. Instead, the intent in helping you to nail your unfair advantage is to improve your self-awareness. It’s important that you know what you offer others and what you bring to the table. Once you organize your own thinking on the skills or talents that set you apart, you can make a concerted effort to start showing people this skill, rather than telling them you have it. Knowing and using your unfair advantage sets you up for success. Once you can dial-in on the skill set that sets you apart, start to use it to your own advantage. Make sure you’re demonstrating your ability in this area when you’re making a pitch or selling an idea. Offer examples of times you were successful and how you were able to make something happen. Your unfair advantage will help you build trust and credibility with supervisors, co-workers, clients, and prospective clients. Honing-in on this will also increase your own confidence; and when people are confident, they become infinitely more competent. Once you know your unfair advantage and can own it from a deeper level – an unconscious level better, you'll use it to meet any goal you want to accomplish with integrity, continuity, and consistency. This helps you toot your own horn it a way that just feels like your sharing for a good reason instead of selling for your own benefit only. Lastly, I just want to point out the painful truth of the time of luxury of personal fear, insecurity and not fully owning who you are over. We are in a new world with a new normal that is only just beginning. Unemployment in the US is already past 20% in and set to grow more. The global challenge we all face means its time to be accessing your full capacity and that 6th sense - full self in a pragmatic grounded way now because whatever job you do or want to do means upping your game exponentially. I come to tell you we all have to do better or suffer the consequences. Energy work, energy medicine, intuition, spirit goes by a million names, and it doesn’t matter what you want to call it, you need to learn to own it in a way that is deeply grounded, precisely focused, and makes it and you become more to a specific application of achieving your goals. It’s time to step into your “Energy Intelligence” as a necessary part of being able to live, love, and thrive at anything in life. Don’t you deserve to thrive? Take your next step: here
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Know that feeling of your heart beating faster in response to a stressful situation? Or perhaps, instead, your palms get sweaty when you’re confronted with an overwhelming task or event.
That’s anxiety — our body’s natural response to stress. If you haven’t recognized your triggers yet, here are a few common: your first day at a new job, meeting your partner’s family, or giving a presentation in front of a lot of people. Everyone has different triggers, and identifying them is one of the most important steps to coping and managing anxiety attacks. Identifying your triggers can take some time and self-reflection. In the meantime, there are things you can do to try to help calm or quiet your anxiety from taking over. If your anxiety is sporadic and getting in the way of your focus or tasks, there are some quick natural remedies that could help you take control of the situation.If your anxiety is focused around a situation, such as being worried about an upcoming event, you may notice the symptoms are short-lived and usually subside after the anticipated event takes place. 5 Quick Ways to Cope Question your thought pattern Negative thoughts can take root in your mind and distort the severity of the situation. One way is to challenge your fears, ask if they’re true, and see where you can take back control. Practice focused, deep breathing Try breathing in for 4 counts and breathing out for 4 counts for 5 minutes total. By evening out your breath, you’ll slow your heart rate which should help calm you down. The 4-7-8 technique is also known to help anxiety. Use aromatherapy Whether they’re in oil form, incense, or a candle, scents like lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood can be very soothing. Aromatherapy is thought to help activate certain receptors in your brain, potentially easing anxiety. Go for a walk or do 15 minutes of yoga Sometimes, the best way to stop anxious thoughts is to walk away from the situation. Taking some time to focus on your body and not your mind may help relieve your anxiety. Write down your thoughts Writing down what’s making you anxious gets it out of your head and can make it less daunting. These relaxation tricks are particularly helpful for those who experience anxiety sporadically. They may also work well with someone who has generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) when they’re in a bind too! However, if you suspect you have GAD, quick coping methods shouldn’t be the only kind of treatment you employ. You’ll want to find long-term strategies to help lessen the severity of symptoms and even prevent them from happening.
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RESPECT in 25 Steps - Developing the Path to Self-Esteem:
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Emotionally Supportive Yoga = EMOGA
EMOGA is what it’s described to be: physical poses that allow you and your body to practice, have more permission for and allow certain emotional states and beliefs. Exactly like making yourself smile, whether you feel happy or not, will in fact set off positive cascade of effects in your brain, your body and in those around you. Read the article below to learn more specifically about this. So why not expand that same effect of “body emotional technology” to other feelings and beliefs. I have taken this and specifically designed poses as well as use existing yoga poses to create a more conscious approaching to increasing the feelings you want to have. EMOGA will help you tap into Receiving, Confidence, Believing in Yourself and much more. The 1st video will take you through the head and shoulders EMOGA poses in less than 10 minutes. You can do these anywhere you can sit or stand, so a gym, mat or other work out necessities are not needed. Start off doing each pose for 4 to 10 seconds or repetitions and increase to 30 seconds as you like. Ideally you can hold some poses for a minute or more as needed. "Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy." —Thich Nhat Hanh How Smiling Affects Your Brain Each time you smile, you throw a little feel-good party in your brain. The act of smiling activates neural messaging that benefits your health and happiness. For starters, smiling activates the release of neuropeptides that work toward fighting off stress (3). Neuropeptides are tiny molecules that allow neurons to communicate. They facilitate messaging to the whole body when we are happy, sad, angry, depressed, or excited. The feel-good neurotransmitters--dopamine, endorphins and serotonin—are all released when a smile flashes across your face as well (4). This not only relaxes your body, but it can also lower your heart rate and blood pressure. The endorphins also act as a natural pain reliever—100-percent organic and without the potential negative side effects of synthetic concoctions (4). Finally, the serotonin release brought on by your smile serves as an anti-depressant/mood lifter (5). Many of today’s pharmaceutical anti-depressants also influence the levels of serotonin in your brain, but with a smile, you again don’t have to worry about negative side effects—and you don’t need a prescription from your doctor. How Smiling Affects Your Body You’re actually better-looking when you smile—and I’m not just trying to butter you up. When you smile, people treat you differently. You’re viewed as attractive, reliable, relaxed, and sincere. A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia reported that seeing an attractive, smiling face activates your orbitofrontal cortex, the region in your brain that processes sensory rewards. This suggests that when you view a person smiling, you actually feel rewarded. It also explains the 2011 findings by researchers at the Face Research Laboratory at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland. Subjects were asked to rate smiling and attractiveness. They found that both men and women were more attracted to images of people who made eye contact and smiled than those who did not (6). If you don’t believe me, see how many looks you get when you walk outside with that smile you're wearing right now. (You’re still smiling like I asked, right?) How Smiling Affects Those Around You Did you know that your smile is actually contagious? The part of your brain that is responsible for your facial expression of smiling when happy or mimicking another’s smile resides in the cingulate cortex, an unconscious automatic response area (7). In a Swedish study, subjects were shown pictures of several emotions: joy, anger, fear, and surprise. When the picture of someone smiling was presented, the researchers asked the subjects to frown. Instead, they found that the facial expressions went directly to imitation of what subjects saw (8). It took conscious effort to turn that smile upside-down. So if you’re smiling at someone, it’s likely they can’t help but smile back. If they don’t, they’re making a conscious effort not to. Looking at the bigger picture, each time you smile at a person, their brain coaxes them to return the favor. You are creating a symbiotic relationship that allows both of you to release feel-good chemicals in your brain, activate reward centers, make you both more attractive, and increase the chances of you both living longer, healthier lives. References – - 1. Primitive emotional contagion. Hatfield, Elaine; Cacioppo, John T.; Rapson, Richard L. Clark, Margaret S. (Ed), (1992). Emotion and social behavior. Review of personality and social psychology, Vol. 14., (pp. 151-177). Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications, Inc, xi, 311 pp. 2. Abel E. and Kruger M. (2010) Smile Intensity in Photographs Predicts Longevity, Psychological Science, 21, 542–544. 3. Seaward BL. Managing Stress: Principles and Strategies for Health and Well-Being. Sudbury, Mass.: Jones and Bartlett; 2009:258. 4. R.D. (2000). Neural correlates of conscious emotional experience. In R.D. Lane & L. Nadel (Eds.), Cognitive neuroscience of emotion (pp. 345–370). New York: Oxford University Press. 5. Karren KJ, et al. Mind/Body Health: The Effect of Attitudes, Emotions and Relationships. New York, N.Y.: Benjamin Cummings, 2010:461. 6. Facial attractiveness: evolutionary based research Phil Trans R Soc B June 12, 2011 366: 1638-1659. 7. O’Doherty, J., Winston, J., Critchley, H. Perrett, D., Burt, D.M., and Dolan R.J., (2003) Beauty in a smile: the role of medial orbitofrontal cortex in facial attractiveness. Neuropsychologia, 41, 147–155. 8. Sonnby–Borgström, M. (2002), Automatic mimicry reactions as related to differences in emotional empathy. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology, 43: 433–443.
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How you manage your own health and safety is more critical than ever with epidemics and infectious diseases. Our health is also the community’s health.
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"Instant" Vegan chocolate pudding2/14/2020 ![]() "Instant" chocolate pudding! I’m a big fan of chocolate desserts, and this is one I feel really good about. Using a mix of avocado, almond milk, and cocoa powder, this “instant” chocolate pudding, full of flavonoids and unsaturated “healthy” fats, is delicious at any time. It's also gluten free. A tea cup serving of this treat will satisfy any sweet tooth without second thoughts. Servings: 6 Prep Time: 10 minutes Ingredients
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Press Release
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Access Your Answers Intuitive Counseling & Healing Receives 2019 Best of San Jose Award San Jose Award Program Honors the Achievement SAN JOSE October 3, 2019 -- Access Your Answers Intuitive Counseling & Healing has been selected for the 2019 Best of San Jose Award in the Counselor category by the San Jose Award Program. Each year, the San Jose Award Program identifies companies that we believe have achieved exceptional marketing success in their local community and business category. These are local companies that enhance the positive image of small business through service to their customers and our community. These exceptional companies help make the San Jose area a great place to live, work and play. Various sources of information were gathered and analyzed to choose the winners in each category. The 2019 San Jose Award Program focuses on quality, not quantity. Winners are determined based on the information gathered both internally by the San Jose Award Program and data provided by third parties. About San Jose Award Program The San Jose Award Program is an annual awards program honoring the achievements and accomplishments of local businesses throughout the San Jose area. Recognition is given to those companies that have shown the ability to use their best practices and implemented programs to generate competitive advantages and long-term value. The San Jose Award Program was established to recognize the best of local businesses in our community. Our organization works exclusively with local business owners, trade groups, professional associations and other business advertising and marketing groups. Our mission is to recognize the small business community's contributions to the U.S. economy. SOURCE: San Jose Award Program CONTACT: San Jose Award Program Email: [email protected] ###
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What is your story -- why is it that you do what you do? How did it come to be?
I am an intuitive healer, do spiritually infused coaching and a life strategist. I help folks believe better so they can do better. And now I am taking these tools to learn spiritual weight loss and I am my own lab rat. My story - the punch line is I had a spiritual 2x4 to the head which knocked me to my knees. From a kid, I had been a religious shopper - studied about different beliefs systems through stories, books, religious texts, and when I was a teen had tried a few different churches (BTW, you can't just get a yelp review to decide this stuff) so I had kind of become agnostic sprinkled with a Protestant Christian focus. I have an MBA, worked at some tech startups and fortune 500s so I had a whole past life in this life. Fast forward a few decades and I had a life or death situation with my daughter when she was born and after finally getting to specialists from two countries with all the expertise, equipment and more, the problem was still a struggle and not getting better: I couldn’t take care of it, engineer it or force a solution. I knew this was not going to be a rational solution. I couldn’t make it better, I had to learn to RECEIVE an answer. SO, I went to a psychic school and literally had 6 psychics all lined up sitting in front of me while I was holding my baby. They had their eyes shut but the expressions on their faces were clear: they were all watching the same movie. I didn't THE Answer, but I did get inspired. I decided- if they could do this, hell I sure could too. That put me on a path of no return into reading energy, energy healing and working with spirit in conventional and deeply unconventional ways. I am certified in many healing modalities but I have curated and developed my own intimate knowledge, know-how, techniques, and tools. Jesus said, "whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these". The capacity for working with energy and accessing spirit - the secret is it's factory-installed – it is just one of those buttons in the cockpit we never realized what it does if you push it and for many, they don't even realize the button is there or that they have permission to fully engage it. So How do you do what you do? Frankly, I have to get into astrophysics and sub-atomic levels for a moment to answer and I’ll quote NASA, You know how our universe is roughly 68% is dark energy. Dark matter makes up about 27%. The rest - everything on Earth, everything ever observed with all of our instruments, all normal matter - adds up to less than 5% of the universe. So, I don't like the term dark - I use unseen. I am just looking there - you know all that empty space between the electrons and the nucleus of an atom is not in fact "empty”. That “empty” space, that's where I am looking. Who do you work with? What drives you? I have worked with folks all across the board and from all across the world, from war vets, to go-getter execs, to couples to illnesses both tangible and non-tangible, but what I like to work with, or drawn to have to work with is the "deep personal why" and "deep personal ownership". What drives me mostly has been part me trying to save myself and part me doing my piece to save the world. I have a mission to form an army of women or those who have over-given themselves and now need a new way forward in which they are in service in a way that is not only safe but serves them. What I mean but over giving is the moms or care-takers or healers or others who place themselves last on the list or worse not even on the list for caring for themselves, their bodies and their time. How does one tap into the magic of healing, what results do people get? Well any time to go direct to your higher power so to speak, it is an act of ownership, agency as much as it is an act of humility as you are asking for answers, for help or for change. To heal is in fact to change. The energy or beliefs that got you to this point need to evolve or be replaced. There is something to learn in that process, something that you need to ground and believe. Like for instance we remember the ALS ice bucket challenge from a few years ago - what people may not know is that ALS like many diseases has a "type" of person - and it tends to be very independent men (which I found this out from a researcher and was chatting with I then took a moment to look at the energy and saw Oh, they are learning about helplessness. What it means to depend on others. Situations can and do happen for the lessons. If you are complete with the lesson as you have learned fully to know a particular feeling, emotion, etc. and accept it and own it, then you can be complete with it. By working the energy side of something you can start to work through that with more awareness or start to create completion. For me learning to receive from others and have trust, have been challenges that have and continue to teach me mountains of information. What guidance do you have for our audience on healing, being an entrepreneur, living in purpose? Well, when you are struggling with moving forward you maybe be struggling with permission or the right to choose for yourself. To decide always has implications and being able to trust yourself is being able to “Trust IN Yourself” – meaning you have what you need in you to become the change, to create what you are wanting to do or be. I find that the desire to be something is usually coupled with the capability to get there. It's all the little actions sometimes that are the hardest. Where you just have to keep showing up even when inspiration or passion isn't there. The American painter Chuck Close said, “Inspiration Is for Amateurs—The Rest of Us Just Show Up and Get to Work". So, when you are depressed or un-inspired you have to remove yourself from the negotiation of it of those thoughts and feelings. They can be powerful to overwhelming but here’s the thing: they may not even be yours. The dream/desire/hope/goal is yours, but the thoughts and feelings that keep you from it quite literally may not be yours at all. Those voices trying to talk you into thinking or feeling you aren’t good enough or you don’t deserve what you are, etc. can just be a game of invalidation. When invalidation happens, the solution is to fight back and/or ignore; a solution is to just keep showing up and owning the step you’re on completely. I like many, I teach what I know and I teach what I am still learning - let's do a little taste now. For example, my showing up even when I don't believe means tapping into hope with love.
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Relationships that Nourish7/23/2019 Relationships that Nourish
Some relationships are “supposed” to be nourishing like a child being nourished by a parent. But that is not always the case. Often we take our conditional learned love, whether from our relationship with ourself - others - or both and use that as a definition to operate by. Sometimes that conditioning is beneficial sometimes the opposite and in most cases some of both. We need to realize, even if we were not nourished as a child that we still need and deserve to be nourished as adults. It takes great practice and awareness to step into building a new relationship for nourishing the self and your body. Many women treat their body as the credit card they always put more debt on and only start to pay back when the credit line runs thin - of course at that point it means to pay back plus forced interest. So stay interested in self-care (which is way more than just getting your nails done or buying new shoes). Genuine self nourishment means understanding your deeper needs and true wants and being willing to navigate and negotiate getting them met even with compelling and competing needs from others (like from the cutest girl in the world). You and others including your children will both be better off for it. “The Secret of Change is to Focus All of Your Energy Not on Fighting the Old, but on Building the New” - Socrates
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We All Have a "Magic Kingdom" Inside7/9/2019 By being really deeply with yourself in your own body ignoring all the judgments and the pain, there is an amazing happiness to be found and tapped into. And that is the Happiest Place on Earth – right inside you.