Trella's PicksThe following Posts are authored by varoius people (including myself) with the common thread being that they all had something powerful, supportive, inspiring and healing to say. Archives
May 2020
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This is a class project where we focused our intentions consistently on healing Japan: The People, The Land and The Water. We held our intentions with 100% focus while toning. There are also Binaural Beats embedded in the song that entrain your brain into Theta (especially effective when listening on headphones). This song is in the Key of D as many in esoteric circles believe is the true key of love (same as Pachelbel Canon). Full Song 10 mins -
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There are needs, then there is “needy”. I make a distinction.
Depending on your childhood, your needs could be a fearful set of liabilities or a regular opportunity to express your creativity, negotiation and flexibility with interacting with the rest of the world. When you haven’t been taught that its ok to have needs and how to take care of them for yourself, you’re stuck never being able to do the most basic foundations for yourself. Needs get a bad rap even from the best of us and it seems like the few who can have their needs AND the permission to own getting them met with self responsibility can sometimes get all the glory/the goods. Men tend to have a lot more cultural permission to meet their needs than women but that isn’t always true either. When you can’t honor your own needs because they are a “weakness” or you weren’t empowered (or disempowered for that matter) to take care of and meet your own needs, this gap happens. Your needs can never be met or you can never help get your needs met. So now it is up to someone else to quench the unquenchable thirst and your needs have now become the monster/enemy/hurt child frozen in time. Only you can truly get your needs met because only you can fully have them. Getting a need met with or through someone or something else is fine, not just fine but normal, not just normal but how we evolved as a collective species of mammals – its core to what made us more successful than reptiles and our reptilian brains. It is what we call society. We are not islands we are humans. It is our collective interaction and collaborative sharing on multiple sophisticated levels that makes us unique among all mammals. We have become these incredibly isolated islands in modern culture; and so have become needier than ever. So celebrate and welcome your needs as valid. By listening to yourself and letting yourself have and honor your needs, it makes it much more satisfying and positive to go about filling and providing for them …instead of say a bother or boring or intimidating. A lot of folks talk about how we’re supposed to be whole and complete first before looking for relationships with others. I don’t agree. If I was a complete island then why would I need you or anyone for that matter and I can go and have my monk in the cave existence. Needs expressed in a mature clean way (no pre-expectation or assumption on the statement, e.g. the leading question) can become a way of sharing, collaborating, learning and growing. And not just for the individual but for the group, be it a group of two or seven billion. Needs can be your friend and teacher on how to move through the world and build the character of yourself. -Trella |