Trella's PicksThe following Posts are authored by varoius people (including myself) with the common thread being that they all had something powerful, supportive, inspiring and healing to say. Archives
May 2020
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Why Energetic Intelligence is Mission Critic Skill in the COVID Economy: today’s theme Getting an Unfair Advantage
We’re all familiar with the idea that we only access 10% of our brain’s full potential. Now whether that concept is correct or not is not clear. But the idea that we have harnessed only a fraction of our mind’s full potential has been a staple for motivational gurus, New Age speakers, and screenwriters for nearly 100 years. I don’t pretend to promise you the secret to becoming a gifted genius over-night. But the great news is there is truth to this concept on multiple levels. Also, many of us are aware that there are many different kinds of intelligence. For example, emotional or spatial. I am promising, and this is a juicy potent promise, is that you can learn to access and increase your energetic intelligence to help you unlock not only that potential, but also unlock other types of intelligence. This is the master key. So I invite you to stick around to the end, because you are going to get to learn some great stuff. I’m Trella and I’m energy master I have worked with 1000s over the planet and I literally turned myself into a science experiment to unearth these truths through doing the hard work. You get to access that because I have already cleared the path of the nails and stones for you. As Tony Robbins says, access the expert and turn decades of work into days of progress. This is what high performing individuals are accessing whether they realize it or not. I would notice with my clients they would fall into two groups the "light switch" or the "flower unfolder". The main difference between them was who could more easily receive and who was more controlled or limited receiving. So there are literally 100s of powerful lessons, skills, and techniques that I have build up through this process. So today I will touch on one of those being Having an Unfair Advantage or not being afraid to Uncover, Own and Gainfully Expose your superpower. We all wish we could have that ace in the hole, that sure thing that would set us apart from our fellow team members or potential clients. The truth is that most of us do have one; we just fail to acknowledge it or use it to its fullest potential. I call this lack of ownership. You can’t use your unfair advantage until you can name it. Do you ever receive a compliment that you just shrug off because whatever is mentioned is just "easy" for you or something you regard as mere common sense? Do you find that there is a particular theme or topic that people consistently come to you with, or seek your consult about? Is there a type of project or task that ignites your passion, motivates you and is something you could go on and on about? What exactly comes to mind? You’re rarely encouraged to toot your own horn or pat yourself on the back. Sharing what you excel at can sound like bragging or selfishness or narcissism. But, rest assured: These questions are not intended to set you up for some grand announcement about why you’re superior to others. Instead, the intent in helping you to nail your unfair advantage is to improve your self-awareness. It’s important that you know what you offer others and what you bring to the table. Once you organize your own thinking on the skills or talents that set you apart, you can make a concerted effort to start showing people this skill, rather than telling them you have it. Knowing and using your unfair advantage sets you up for success. Once you can dial-in on the skill set that sets you apart, start to use it to your own advantage. Make sure you’re demonstrating your ability in this area when you’re making a pitch or selling an idea. Offer examples of times you were successful and how you were able to make something happen. Your unfair advantage will help you build trust and credibility with supervisors, co-workers, clients, and prospective clients. Honing-in on this will also increase your own confidence; and when people are confident, they become infinitely more competent. Once you know your unfair advantage and can own it from a deeper level – an unconscious level better, you'll use it to meet any goal you want to accomplish with integrity, continuity, and consistency. This helps you toot your own horn it a way that just feels like your sharing for a good reason instead of selling for your own benefit only. Lastly, I just want to point out the painful truth of the time of luxury of personal fear, insecurity and not fully owning who you are over. We are in a new world with a new normal that is only just beginning. Unemployment in the US is already past 20% in and set to grow more. The global challenge we all face means its time to be accessing your full capacity and that 6th sense - full self in a pragmatic grounded way now because whatever job you do or want to do means upping your game exponentially. I come to tell you we all have to do better or suffer the consequences. Energy work, energy medicine, intuition, spirit goes by a million names, and it doesn’t matter what you want to call it, you need to learn to own it in a way that is deeply grounded, precisely focused, and makes it and you become more to a specific application of achieving your goals. It’s time to step into your “Energy Intelligence” as a necessary part of being able to live, love, and thrive at anything in life. Don’t you deserve to thrive? Take your next step: here
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